5 Native New Jersey Trees to Beautify Your Yard
If you live in New Jersey and are looking for ways to make your yard stand out from those around you, picking trees that are native to the state will go a long way in getting your yard top notch. Check out 5 native New Jersey trees to beautify your yard.
Black Maple
A sun lover, the Black Maple is a medium-tall tree that displays vibrant yellow and orange leaves in the fall. It has wider leaves than other species that droop. It needs medium to well-drained soil but is highly resistant to drought conditions. It’s a slow grower but can get up to 75 feet tall.
Yellow Buckeye
The Yellow Buckeye is the perfect shade tree and is good for attracting wildlife. In April-May, beautiful, yellow flowers bloom. Wildlife loves the round buckeye nuts that turn brownish red. In the fall, the leaves turn orange. Needing well to medium drained soil, the Yellow Buckeye does not tolerate drought conditions very well.
Gray Alder
This is a tree that grows quickly but only lives about 40 years. It’s small, growing 15–35 feet. A sun loving tree that does well in partial shade. The Gray Alder is a water-lover needing medium drained, wet soil. It’s a monoecious species, meaning it grows male and female flowers, that are purple and red, on the same plant. It’s flood-tolerant, but doesn’t like drought conditions.
River Birch
The River Birch is great for planting in wetter areas, though it does well in drier places. It has peeling bark that’s a brownish, pinkish color. This is a big tree and has a vast root system so it needs plenty of room. Another quick-growing tree, getting up to 70 feet tall. The leaves are shaped like diamonds and, in the fall, turn yellow.
Eastern Redbud
Growing delicate, edible flowers that are purple, pink and lavender, the Eastern Redbud loves well-drained soil and is highly resistant to drought. It’s a medium-sized tree, growing up to 30 feet tall. A sun-lover, but does good in shade too. The leaves are heart-shaped and turn red, orange, and yellow in the fall.
See What You Can Find
These are just a few examples of native New Jersey trees to beautify your yard. There are plenty more to choose from. And you might be surprised at what you can find. Check local nurseries and see what they have. If you’re not able to find what you’re looking for there, there’s always the good old Internet.